Friday, December 19, 2014

Someone else's success should NOT be ruler that you measure your own!

I had a chat with a dear and sweet friend today about success.  It got me to thinking ... why do we insist on measuring the level of our own success using someone else's ruler?  Yeppers.  We look at others around us and then compare ourselves to them.  Lawdy!  We are not them.  We will never be them.  Heck!  I am having a hard enough time being just ME!  tee hee hee.

What we all have to remember ... what I have to remember is that each one of us is different!  What makes me happy is not what is going to make my neighbor, my co-worker, my friend or even my own kids happy.  What makes my heart dance that special beat will not be the same tune that makes the next person's heart dance.  So with that realization, I will try my best to be fair to me and be happy with what I achieve by my own means and at my own pace and in my own freaking way.  And that will be MY SUCCESS!!

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