Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Interview with Michelle Reynolds with Back 2 Basics Family


I met Michelle last year.  We were helping out with a business conference event.  I had such a BLAST hanging out and working the event with her.  She is not one to shy away from work, can anticipate where she is needed and she gives it her all.  I can see how those traits can be such great assets for her Back 2 Basics Family biz!  Her background as a teacher, mother and a caregiver gives her great insight.  I just wish I had known her back when I was a young mother.  She could had helped me through some of the issues I had faced back then.  Luckily, my kids are resilient and survived me.  LOL!  I share this post so gladly with my mama entrepreneurs because how great is it for young moms now to have a Michelle in their lives?

What is the name of your business?
Back 2 Basics Family

Love how you get the idea just from the name! 

What product and/or service do you provide?
I provide educational seminars, mommy masterminds and support groups, parent and educator trainings.

Parents need all the support they can get because kids do not come with instructions :/

When did your business start?
I started Back 2 Basics Childcare a licensed in-home daycare in 2008. I had a very successful business and was starting to branch into Back 2 Basics Family in 2012. With many unexpected events happening in my life, I had to close the daycare because it was in my home and my children and husband and I needed to reconnect.  At that moment Back 2 Basics Family went on hold as I explored how to get it off the ground without the daycare base. I also took this time to try a few additional things to make sure I was living within my life’s purpose.

It takes someone with a gentile heart to be a caregiver.

What territory does your business serve?
South East Broward although I have traveled to Boynton and West Palm. I do online as well.

Who does your business serve?
Specifically, parents that have children birth through 5.

Children that have more challenging behaviors are my specialty as I used to teach these children in 1st grade in my past life as a teacher and I see where they shine and what their behavior is communicating. I have been highly studies in Sensory Play and have a Productive Play course that I teach.

Infants and that juggling act is also a specialty of mine as it is one of those things that just comes easy to me and I am able to organize and get infants on a schedule that works for them and mom!

I love working with entrepreneurs because I have a business knack as I grew up in an entrepreneurial household and I’m constantly trying to find a faster, more effective, more efficient way to do everything from emptying the dishwasher to completing billing.
I do have programs for beginning and struggling readers up to 2nd grade.

What need does your product or service fulfill for your customers

Sanity, time and love!
All we really want is to be a good parent and connect with our children. All our children want is to be loved by us.
I hear all the time people say they want to slow down and bring back the basics, I can help you do that!

OM-geee!  I don’t have little ones but I need sanity, time and love tooooo!  I think I need to get Michelle to re-consider me as a client.  Tee hee hee.

What DIY tip about your product or service can you share with MY TRIBE?
Really think about the things you do during the day and how you can make them more effective.  Take dishes for example. Who moans and groans about unloading the dishwasher?  The actual fact is it takes (or should take) 2 minutes or less to unload. I have this routine that I think may help you.

In the morning, the first thing I do as my coffee finished brewing is unload the dishwasher. I have a few reasons for this.

1.     I will have an empty dishwasher all day that I have trained my husband and kids to rinse their dishes and place them in the dishwasher instead of on the counter or in the sink.  Dishes out of sight and my kitchen looks clean.

2.     It’s a wonderful thing to do right in the morning as a stretching exercise. Reaching down into the dishwasher, reaching up to put the plates away. Stretching my body this way allows my muscles to awaken and come to life.

As my family fills the dishwasher all day I make sure that they last thing I do before bed is to RUN it!

Try it for 1 week and let me know how you feel!

I am going to stretch in the AM as I make my café con leche.  How many weird looks will my teens give me?  Message me your bet.

This was Michelle’s additional message to all in MY TRIBE.

Simplify your life!

Bring back the basics and meet your child’s emotional and educational needs.

Who is in your support system?
Husband and 2 kids Jay is 5 and Kylie is 10. My parents are right around the corner from us and very involved in our lives.

How awesome to have her family as her main support!

How did you get bitten by the entrepreneurial bug?
When I was 5, my dad had me working in his grocery store cleaning shelves and such and I worked up from there doing things in the back and taking care of the employee’s.

When I was 12 my father sold the store and we moved to Florida from Canada. It was his dream to own a small hotel on the Beach in Hollywood… and here they are Manta Ray Inn was bought and I worked there cleaning rooms, managing the office, taking care of guests and making reservations. At 17 I ran the hotel while my parents would go back to Canada in the summer.
After I went into teaching, I realized I liked teaching because it was like my own business and I was able to do what the students needed as long as we got to a specific place by the end of the year. My classroom was my own business. When the state and county started taking that away from teachers and telling us what we were going to do, when we were going to do it – I was out. I will NOT do things in a specific way when it is NOT right for the children in front of me. Remember, I taught the behavior issues and the lowest of the low students and what worked for them was different than what worked for other classrooms.

While unhappy in the classroom with the mandates that were coming down from the top, my husband and I decided to have another baby. I was beside myself because there was nothing in the area that was what I was looking for. I wanted academics but I also wanted my child to not be a number. I wanted the social and emotional needs of my child met as well. I wanted my child to be well cared for, have fun and learn through play (Back 2 Basics). There was no such place. I found all academic places, I found all play no structure no learning and a lot of TV, but nothing that combined both.

That’s when I decided I would open a licensed Family Child Care Home and eventually grew it into a Large Family Child Care Home – 12 children enrolled with 2 employees and myself.  It was an amazing structure and I created my own curriculum. I provided organic homemade meals, the children had uniforms and I even did the laundry for the parents. It’s was a full concierge service academic learning center.  I had plans to franchise and would still be open to doing so in the future.

Her upbringing was such an influence.  I hope all my femmepreneurs involve their kids.  Let them see you be THE EXAMPLE!

What is your biggest success up until now?
Owning and succeeding with my first business the daycare, has been my biggest success. Seeing that it is possible and that people do want what I provide. Also seeing that it truly made a difference in parents and children’s lives. Those children became my children!

Anyone who impacts the lives of children is a success in my book!

What has been your biggest challenge?
My biggest challenge is selling myself. I know I’m good. I know I’m one of the best and I’m pretty darn confident about it – until you ask me to sell my service. Selling a spot in the daycare was one thing and the value was there – making it more personal is really challenging me.

We must all see the value in ourselves and in turn ask what we are worth without shame or second guessing!

Any funny stories you want to share so other ladies don't feel like it only happens to them?
I worked with kids – everything was funny! (I bet!)

As a mom, someone that works with kids and someone that will go far enough to even say I am an expert – I will STILL tell you I screw up all the time. I don’t care how much of an expert you are, when you work with kids there will be times you will shake your head and ask yourself if you just really just said/did that. It’s OK, we are human!

We all need to remember we are HUMAN in all our aspects of our lives!

Pepsi or Coke?
Oh NO!!!  Shhhhh… Coke
My parent’s best friend is actually one of the head managers in Pepsi Cola Canada.
The SHAME!  Sorry Bob!

Everybody promise … no telling Bob!

If you could sing one song on American Idol, what would it be?  Why that song?
The Climb by Miley Cyrus. 

I took singing lessons with my daughter a year ago and this was the song we practiced. I have related to the lyrics of this song since becoming an entrepreneur and still feel it fits my life.  Besides having lessons was the best way for me to find my voice and I wish I could have continued! I believe this is something every child should experience.

My daughter and I used to sing that all the time!  We need a quartet!

What about being an entrepreneur do you love?
I’ve never been a good employee. If I see something needs to be done I do it. If I feel there is a fast, effective and efficient way to get something done I will do it that way. If you can’t give me a good argument as to why not to do it that way – I will not change it.

I love being the leader and not the follower!

Love it!

What is your why?
Our children are our future and the educational system we have in place to help new moms and children through the age of 5 is frightful.

These are the most important years and the people watching/educating these children are making $10 or less an hour ~ would you expect quality from them?

Someone has to take a stand for these children!

Yes! Yes!  Yes!  Our kids are the future.  We must do all we can to influence them for the sake of humanity.

What value does your business bring to your life?
Meeting children’s emotional, social and academic needs is really all the value that life has! That’s what I bring!

Bring it baby!

What is your favorite gadget or app that others entrepreneurs might want to check out?
LOVE it!
Ooooh!  Must check it out!

Special offer
I do have a Mommy Mastermind starting in March. I would love to offer your mommy readers a FREE one hour discovery session with me! 

Mommy Mastermind ~
$28 monthly & every month you will receive:
•       Teleclass/Webinar/Video:  1/ Per Month
•       Group Teleconference Mommy Mastermind:  1/Per Week

During our Mommy Masterminds each participant will be able to share success and challenges from the week. Loving and nonjudgmental advice from other moms on the call will allow each participant to grow and have unconditional support.  These groups will be limited in number
•       One hour private telephone sessions with me: 1/Per Month
•       Bonus Call/Webinar/Video from a Family Expert: 1/Per Month

How can MY TRIBE get your deal?
Email Michelle at michelle@michelle-reynolds.com
Make sure to tell her the Promo Code SystematicYOU

How long will this special last?
1 month from 2/17/15!
Only 1 month!  Hurry and get it.

To contact Michelle, here is her info J

I really do hope you enjoyed this interview and the amazing insight that this {lovely} woman entrepreneur has brought to you.  I love to see that we are not alone in our experiences, fears, hopes and dreams!
Tune in for next week’s blog!!  You do not want to miss it!

Happy Time Management (a.k.a YOU management)

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