Friday, January 23, 2015

An egg timer + YOU = focus, focus, focus!

There are so many distractions (a.m. shinny objects) out there. Facebook, gadgets with all their beeping notifications, kids, a funny cat video on YouTube, new ideas, a glass of wine, a string on your blouse, a scoop of ice cream and well ... you can finish up the list of all the shiny objects out there than can derail you from the things we need to do.

I have told my customers that shinny objects are not the enemy.  Actually these shinny objects is the new now.  What you really need to do is re-learn how you manage yourself.  So instead of telling you to lead a life devoid of Facebook and funny cat videos, let me share how I retrained myself to focus on what needs to get done.

Are you ready for my "secret"? It involves an egg timer, you and your task list.  Yes! I said an egg timer ... well technically it is the timer on your smart phone. 

I am all about systems and so let me give you 7 little systematic steps that will help you build your focus muscle and manage the shiny objects in your life that just keep distracting you.

1.    Look at your to do list
2.    Pick one task that needs to get done
3.    Set your timer to 30 minutes
4.    Work on that task for the full 30 minutes
5.    After the timer goes off, reset it for 10 minutes
6.    Play with your shinny objects for 10 minutes
7.    After the timer goes off, reset it for 30 more minutes and get back to focusing on the task at hand

As you re-build your focus muscle and get better at it you can increase your work time to 45 minutes then 1 hour and so on BUT here is the discipline part ... you CANNOT increase the 10 minutes meant as play time.

I started this over a year ago and my productivity has tripled!  So for those that know me ... this is one of my systems that help me do all that I do! So go ahead give it a try and let me know how does shinny objects are treating you.

Happy time management (a.k.a. YOU management!)

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