Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Interview with Steph Stanford with Steph Stanford Speaks

On January 10th, after a busy day of being a mom and new blogger, I had a gift to end my day with Steph Stanford.  She is known as The Happiness Expert and the words she shared with sure did make me HAPPY!  I know you will walk away with a happy thought or two!  And this blog is just in time to get to know her for her upcoming event!  So read on …


What is the name of your business?
My business is called Steph Stanford Speaks.
And an amazing speaker she is indeed.  Quirky, funny and hits home with her personal examples.  Y’all gotta hear her.

What service is that your business provides to your clients?
The service I provide is I am a professional speaker, author and coach and what I truly do is help women learn how to live happy lives.  I teach them how to have self-confidence.  How to be happier in their relationships.  And last to LISTEN IN!
She caught my attention with the “LISTEN IN”.  Read on and you will see what it is all about!!!

When did your business start?
You know what, I actually started speaking in 2008 but it’s funny.  I have always been that person thought that was the girl that everybody calls.  I am the one that your girlfriends call and say “Oh. I am going through something and I don’t know what to do?”  I sort of always had this natural talent for that as we all have gifts and talents but I started in 2008 with professional speaking but I really only decided to make this a business in 2011!  I wrote a book called Happy Ain’t That Hard and after I wrote the book I said I think I want to get the word out that people don’t have to fight to be happy and it’s really not that difficult so speaking evolved from that and then into coaching.
Her book is an easy read, set in a storytelling style.  It helped shift MY mindset about the chores I do at home.  And if you know me then you know … I HATE HOUSE CHORES but now I see them as one of the many ways that I provide for my monkeys and nurture them.  So if I walked away with that … what will you?

Your business is it home based?
It is a home based business.  Yes.  I was just going to say I actually really love that it takes a lot of the pressure out of a new business owner because there is much less risk and there are a lot tools available and it is not as hard as it used to be.
Love it how she uses TOOLS to make her home based business easier.  Oh how I wish more entrepreneurs found the right systems and persons to help them to make it easier for themselves.

Do you have a specific territory that you serve or do you go everywhere and anywhere?
Well.  Because I live in South Florida, the majority of people that I speak to on a regular basis are down here.  The speaking events that I attend have been in the state of Florida so far but I am open.  I will go anywhere if anybody needed a great speaker to come and help out and teach how to be happier.
She and I agree!  We are willing to travel and invitations to speak in locations such as Fiji and Hawaii will NOT be declined … any takers?

Who exactly does your business serve?
My business serves … truly anyone can be happy but in my heart I have a passion and a love for women.  I love all women but the women that I find that come to hear the messages that I have to share tend to be women who are usually between the ages of 30s to their 50s because I think they are women that are trying to figure out what they want from their lives.  At this point, they may have started an educational path or started a certain career or started out as being married and usually by this age group you are going through some kind of transition and you are trying to figure out if you made the right choice.  So those ladies are the ones that are trying to figure out usually are the one that find me.
I fall in that age group!  And we will *not* say to which end of the age group, I fall!!  All you will get is my name and serial #!

What need does your service provide to your customers?
Pay attention … previously I eluded to the LISTEN IN …
Wow!  Let me say this.  I call myself The Happiness Expert but as I mentioned earlier there are three primary areas in which I can help people.  There are 3 different needs when it comes to being happy.  The first is LISTENING IN.  So in other words, we are so busy.  We are on every type of device that we can possibly get our hands on.  We are trying to take care of our kids.  We are taking care of our men, our jobs, our homes.  It’s just crazy.  We don’t make time to just be quiet.  Even just a couple of minutes and so then one thing that I do and the first need that is being addressed is teaching people how be quiet and still.  And the reason we want to do it is because that is where the answers really come from.  Some people are looking outside, reading every book, talking to every expert but the best answers come from your own soul.  So I teach people how to LISTEN IN.  So that is one need.  The second need, I find in relationships is that no matter whether you are single or dating, a girlfriend, married, whatever your status is.  We also have some questions.  And I just feel like, again, we are working way too hard when instead we need to take a step back and remember something about ourselves.  And the thing we have to remember about ourselves is that being a woman is the most beautiful and wonderful gift that you have been given.  When you know how to use that womanly quality in your relationship, no matter what status it is, you can flip. You can make it good.  So that is another need that I address.  Women that in relationships that just aren’t going where they want it to go.  And last, self-confidence and I feel personally passionate about this one the most because I was the girl that faked it for a really long time.  I pretended to have confidence in many situations but I was really pretending.  The truth is I really beat myself up and I criticized myself all the time about the way that I looked and about the way that I did things in many areas.  So I’ve learned how to love myself, truly love myself.  I look at myself and say “Honey!  You are sexy”.  And I feel IT and I believe it.  I feel great about that.  So the third need that I address is the need for women to love themselves because we need to, we are divas and we just need to get that!
I love it!  There are bucket and buckets of ladies out there that beat themselves up.  How awesome is to have Steph in our corner showing us how to listen IN, use our womanly qualities and love ourselves. 

Who is your backup system?
Oooh!  Great question.  Who is the backup system?  Wow!  OK.  I am going to say #1 and then again everyone’s answer will be different.  But this is what works in my life.  For me # 1 is God.  Everyday there are things that I face that are a challenge because I am in a business and it can be scary having a business.  Especially when you are putting your money out there and you are trying new things so for me personally, I go to God with my very real questions and I get quiet to get answers so that is my # 1 advisor.  First God is my backup.
#2 though … I have an awesome posse of girlfriends.  But we all have a lot of friends and you can hang with them.  You know it can be very light.  But I have a few girls that I call my cheerleaders.  Shout out to Vanessa & Jessica.
Lastly, I am married and my husband is like a quiet supporter.  He doesn’t get involved, he doesn’t say much but the way that he supports me and my business is that he allows me to do what I need to do.  I know he is there for me.  So that is my TEAM! 
I truly related with Steph and who is in her backup system.  I am also happy to hear that she recognizes even her silent supporter, her hubby.  We can never forget who supports us.  They all do it in their own special way, with their own special gifts.

What was the entrepreneurial bug that bit you?
So it started actually with not liking where I was.  It started with discomfort.  It started with unhappiness.  I had moved to South Florida and went back to school to get a second college degree because I wanted to pursue a different type of career.  I wanted to be in business.  So I got that degree.  I got kind of my dream job.  I worked at Burger King Corporation in marketing and I got to do a lot of really fun things and I had a great budget.  I had a lot of freedom to create this marketing ideas that I always wanted to implement. It look like on paper exactly that it would be perfect but when I got there it wasn’t.  It wasn’t that anyone else had done anything wrong to me.  It’s just that I realized that this wasn’t where I wanted to be in my life.  So for 1 year, I sat out to figure that out. I took time to say “what do I love doing?” and “who do I love helping?”  To tell you the truth, I actually started to figure out what I want to do by asking myself this question: “If I were to die tomorrow what is the legacy that I want to leave today?  Who do I want to help and what do I want to give them?”  I ask myself all the time because as entrepreneurs, we have frustrating days, right?  We do!  We love what we do but we have days that things are not going your way.  Days when you know that you are burnt, just tired.  But I ask myself every day, “If today were my last day what would I want to do to help somebody?”  When I ask that I get re-motivated.  I really do!
So my entrepreneurial journey spirit began by not liking the job I was in and taking the time to ask myself questions.
Wow!  I am honored to have Steph share with me such great insight.  And YES!!  We should ask ourselves “If I were to die tomorrow what is the legacy that I want to leave today?”  It could shift how we ALL live our lives!

Up to now, what has been your biggest success?
(Deep exhale)  Overcoming fear!  Yes.  Overcoming fear has been my biggest success.  What I am saying is this … whenever I get a new idea, I am always so excited about it when I am laying there in my bed or writing in my journal or at the beach.  I am on fire.  I have a new project.  There is a new group of people that I want to talk to.  I have a new message.  I am excited.  But then when it is time to do something with it; if it’s something new that I have never done before or if it’s going to involve me putting some money up to make something happen, it gets scary for me.  My greatest success is been learning when you feel scared you don’t have to stop.  Yes!  You are scared.  Entrepreneurs feel scared and go anyway.  That is my absolute, greatest success because I face it all the time and I am getting stronger and better and it is getting easier.  So that is HUGE for me.
These words will hit home with so many entrepreneurs reading this.  It is comforting to know that even coaches like Steph herself have fears but what makes her great is that her fear does not stop her!  She works through them.

Other than overcoming your fears, what has been your biggest challenge?
One has been working with new technology.  Some women just have that gift but it is not natural for all of us.  And when I have to try something new it can be incredibly frustrating.  And I will be honest, I can make a lot of mistakes.  But the greatest thing that I am learning is that we all make mistakes so KEEP IT MOVING!  Fix it, get it out there, and keep going.  Go!
I am sure lots of you can relate with Steph and not having high techie, techie natural flair but I love how she said “KEEP IT MOVING!”  Because keep it moving is my motto as well!  I love how I connected with Steph.  There are just some souls out there that are kindred.  She is kindred to mine!
Now I do have more of this interview that I can share … BUT … I believe that Lady Steph has shared soooooooooo much amazing insight that I want to stop here and give you time to breath in what you have just read.  
Lady Steph was a much needed light in my life.  I now drive to work with the radio off and I give myself the opportunity be quiet and still so that I may listen inwardly for answers.  

Stephanie has a special offer for those in MY TRIBE!  She is hosting an event to help women answer “those” #sideeyes questions they have about … MEN.  And you can join her for $37.  WooT  WooT!

#Get Your Relationship Right
Saturday, January 31st, 12-5
Davie, FL

Tickets normally $47. Only $37 to folks reading this blog & they will get a FREE 20 min consult with Steph Stanford.


Steph Stanford’s Bio
Steph Stanford is an award winning speaker, author, coach and a true HAPPINESS EXPERT! She spent years pretending to have it all together, but secretly beating herself up and not loving herself. It impacted her relationships, her health and every area of her life.  But after beating cancer, unemployment, a failed business and being truly broke, she learned how to be happy…even when life was a hot mess!

She wrote the book, Happy Aint That Hard, to share those lessons.  Her greatest desire is that women would live happier lives by loving themselves, having healthy relationships and learning to listen IN, where all the best messages are found.

You can learn more about Steph at

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